2023-24 Basketball Statistics - Sequoias

Games 33
Pts per game 75.3
FG % 45.9
3PT % 36.5
FT % 65.8
Reb per game 44.6
Ast per game 17.7
Schedule Summary
Overall (Pct.)27-6 (.818)
Conference (Pct.) 11-3 (.786)
StreakLost 1
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Recent Games
Feb 23 at Reedley W, 82-58
Mar 2 Santa Rosa W, 77-56
Mar 9 Redwoods W, 70-55
Mar 15 vs. West LA W, 73-71
Mar 16 at Fullerton W, 71-60
Mar 17 at West Valley L, 59-51
Statistics category Overall Conf
Games 33 1st 14 8th
Points 2486 1st 1075 5th
Points per game 75.3 5th 76.8 5th
FG made per game 27.9 3rd 27.7 3rd
FG attempts per game 60.7 4th 61.6 2nd
FG Pct 45.9 3rd 45.0 4th
3PT made per game 8.2 2nd 8.9 1st
3PT attempts per game 22.3 2nd 24.6 2nd
3PT Pct 36.5 2nd 36.0 3rd
FT made per game 11.4 6th 12.5 4th
FT attempt per game 17.4 5th 18.7 4th
FT Pct 65.8 6th 66.8 7th
Off rebounds per game 13.8 1st 14.4 1st
Def rebounds per game 30.7 1st 30.0 1st
Total rebounds per game 44.6 1st 44.4 1st
Opponents' Off rebounds per game 9.5 2nd 10.5 6th
Opponents' Def rebounds per game 21.5 1st 21.8 4th
Opponents' Total rebounds per game 31.0 2nd 32.3 4th
Rebound margin per game 13.6 1st 12.1 1st
Assists per game 17.7 2nd 17.5 2nd
Opponents' Assists per game 11.8 1st 11.3 1st
Turnovers per game 15.0 4th 14.5 4th
Opponents' Turnovers per game 12.8 5th 14.1 3rd
Steals per game 7.6 6th 9.0 2nd
Opponents' Steals per game 6.6 2nd 6.5 4th
Blocks per game 5.8 1st 6.9 1st
Opponents' Blocks per game 1.8 1st 1.7 1st
Personal fouls per game 15.3 5th 13.6 3rd
Offensive efficiency 1.069 4th 1.079 4th
Net efficiency 0.200 1st 0.223 2nd
Opponents' Personal fouls per game 12.7 5th 12.7 4th
Offensive efficiency 0.868 8th 0.856 8th
Points per game allowed 61.6 1st 60.9 1st
Opponents' Field goal percentage 35.6 1st 36.1 1st
Opponents' Free throw total-attempts 31.0 1st 30.8 1st
Home Attendance 5,700 1st 1,400 1st
Home Attendance average 336 1st 200 1st
Field goal total-attempts 920-2003 1st 388-863 3rd
3 point total-attempts 269-736 1st 124-344 1st
Free throw total-attempts 377-573 4th 175-262 4th
Opponents' Field goal total-attempts 700-1968 1st 305-845 2nd
Opponents' 3 point total-attempts 248-800 7th 94-305 6th
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 31 26 31.5 2.6-6.5 40.6 1.6-4.8 32.9 1.1-1.6 67.3 7.9
01 Davis White FR G 32 12 21.4 2.1-5.4 38.4 1.3-4.1 31.5 0.4-0.6 73.7 5.8
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 32 24 25.1 4.1-9.7 42.6 2.1-5.2 40.5 0.6-0.8 74.1 11.0
03 James Freeman FR F 17 1 8.5 1.0-1.7 58.6 0.0-0.0 - 0.3-0.8 38.5 2.3
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 24 3 10.3 0.8-1.7 45.0 0.2-0.9 28.6 0.3-0.4 77.8 2.0
05 Kion Hayes FR G 25 2 10.0 1.0-2.8 37.7 0.4-1.2 35.5 0.4-0.6 62.5 2.9
10 Jose Cuello SO G 32 31 32.4 6.9-16.0 43.2 2.6-6.3 40.8 3.8-4.7 81.3 20.2
11 Jaden Haire FR F 33 29 29.8 4.7-9.1 52.0 0.2-0.8 26.9 1.6-2.9 56.8 11.3
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 16 1 6.1 0.9-1.3 71.4 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.2-0.4 42.9 2.1
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 33 13 19.8 2.8-5.3 52.8 0.0-0.0 - 1.2-2.2 55.4 6.9
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 29 23 23.9 2.9-5.2 56.0 0.0-0.0 - 2.2-3.8 59.6 8.0
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 10 - 2.4 0.3-1.0 30.0 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.6
33 Carter Glick FR G 1 - 9.0 2.0-3.0 66.7 2.0-2.0 100.0 0.0-0.0 - 6.0
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F 4 - 12.0 1.2-2.5 50.0 0.8-1.5 50.0 0.8-1.0 75.0 4.0
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
  Totals     33 33 201.5 27.9-60.7 45.9 8.2-22.3 36.5 11.4-17.4 65.8 75.3
  Opponent     33 33 201.5 21.2-59.6 35.6 7.5-24.2 31.0 11.6-15.9 73.3 61.6
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 31 26 31.5 0.3 2.6 2.9 1.8 - 5.2 1.9 2.8 1.5 0.4
01 Davis White FR G 32 12 21.4 0.5 2.2 2.7 1.7 0.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.3
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 32 24 25.1 1.0 2.8 3.8 1.3 - 2.0 1.9 1.1 1.3 0.1
03 James Freeman FR F 17 1 8.5 1.1 1.7 2.8 0.9 - 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.7
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 24 3 10.3 0.7 1.1 1.8 0.5 - 2.0 0.5 4.0 0.7 0.0
05 Kion Hayes FR G 25 2 10.0 0.4 1.7 2.1 0.4 - 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.3 0.0
10 Jose Cuello SO G 32 31 32.4 0.7 4.8 5.5 2.0 - 3.2 2.8 1.1 1.6 0.2
11 Jaden Haire FR F 33 29 29.8 3.6 4.5 8.2 1.9 - 1.2 1.8 0.7 0.5 0.5
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 16 1 6.1 0.4 1.2 1.6 0.7 - 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.1 0.4
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 33 13 19.8 2.2 3.8 5.9 2.3 0.1 1.1 1.4 0.8 0.4 1.9
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 29 23 23.9 3.5 5.8 9.3 3.1 0.3 2.0 2.7 0.8 0.8 2.1
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 10 - 2.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 - 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1
33 Carter Glick FR G 1 - 9.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 - 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F 4 - 12.0 0.3 1.3 1.5 1.3 - 0.5 0.3 2.0 1.0 0.3
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Totals     33 33 201.5 13.8 30.7 44.6 15.3 0.4 17.7 15.0 1.2 7.6 5.8
  Opponent     33 33 201.5 9.5 21.5 31.0 12.7 0.3 11.8 12.8 0.9 6.6 1.8
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 31 26 978 82-202 40.6 49-149 32.9 33-49 67.3 246
01 Davis White FR G 32 12 684 66-172 38.4 41-130 31.5 14-19 73.7 187
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 32 24 802 132-310 42.6 68-168 40.5 20-27 74.1 352
03 James Freeman FR F 17 1 144 17-29 58.6 0-0 - 5-13 38.5 39
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 24 3 247 18-40 45.0 6-21 28.6 7-9 77.8 49
05 Kion Hayes FR G 25 2 249 26-69 37.7 11-31 35.5 10-16 62.5 73
10 Jose Cuello SO G 32 31 1036 221-511 43.2 82-201 40.8 122-150 81.3 646
11 Jaden Haire FR F 33 29 983 156-300 52.0 7-26 26.9 54-95 56.8 373
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 16 1 98 15-21 71.4 0-1 0.0 3-7 42.9 33
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 33 13 652 93-176 52.8 0-0 - 41-74 55.4 227
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 29 23 694 84-150 56.0 0-0 - 65-109 59.6 233
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 10 - 24 3-10 30.0 0-1 0.0 0-1 0.0 6
33 Carter Glick FR G 1 - 9 2-3 66.7 2-2 100.0 0-0 - 6
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F 4 - 48 5-10 50.0 3-6 50.0 3-4 75.0 16
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
  Totals     33 33 6648 920-2003 45.9 269-736 36.5 377-573 65.8 2486
  Opponent     33 33 6648 700-1968 35.6 248-800 31.0 384-524 73.3 2033
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 31 26 978 8 81 89 55 - 162 58 2.8 47 13
01 Davis White FR G 32 12 684 15 71 86 54 1 31 30 1.0 20 10
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 32 24 802 32 91 123 40 - 65 61 1.1 41 3
03 James Freeman FR F 17 1 144 19 29 48 16 - 7 13 0.5 7 12
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 24 3 247 16 26 42 13 - 48 12 4.0 17 0
05 Kion Hayes FR G 25 2 249 10 43 53 9 - 20 20 1.0 8 1
10 Jose Cuello SO G 32 31 1036 23 152 175 63 - 103 91 1.1 52 7
11 Jaden Haire FR F 33 29 983 120 149 269 64 - 39 58 0.7 17 15
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 16 1 98 7 19 26 11 - 9 10 0.9 2 6
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 33 13 652 71 125 196 77 4 37 46 0.8 13 63
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 29 23 694 102 169 271 90 9 59 77 0.8 23 60
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 10 - 24 1 2 3 4 - 1 5 0.2 0 1
33 Carter Glick FR G 1 - 9 1 1 2 2 - 0 2 0.0 1 0
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F 4 - 48 1 5 6 5 - 2 1 2.0 4 1
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Totals     33 33 6648 457 1014 1471 504 14 583 494 1.2 252 192
  Opponent     33 33 6648 313 709 1022 420 10 391 424 0.9 218 61
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 31 26 31.5 3.4-8.3 40.6 2.0-6.1 32.9 1.3-2.0 67.3 10.1
01 Davis White FR G 32 12 21.4 3.9-10.1 38.4 2.4-7.6 31.5 0.8-1.1 73.7 10.9
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 32 24 25.1 6.6-15.5 42.6 3.4-8.4 40.5 1.0-1.3 74.1 17.6
03 James Freeman FR F 17 1 8.5 4.7-8.1 58.6 0.0-0.0 - 1.4-3.6 38.5 10.8
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 24 3 10.3 2.9-6.5 45.0 1.0-3.4 28.6 1.1-1.5 77.8 7.9
05 Kion Hayes FR G 25 2 10.0 4.2-11.1 37.7 1.8-5.0 35.5 1.6-2.6 62.5 11.7
10 Jose Cuello SO G 32 31 32.4 8.5-19.7 43.2 3.2-7.8 40.8 4.7-5.8 81.3 24.9
11 Jaden Haire FR F 33 29 29.8 6.3-12.2 52.0 0.3-1.1 26.9 2.2-3.9 56.8 15.2
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 16 1 6.1 6.1-8.6 71.4 0.0-0.4 0.0 1.2-2.9 42.9 13.5
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 33 13 19.8 5.7-10.8 52.8 0.0-0.0 - 2.5-4.5 55.4 13.9
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 29 23 23.9 4.8-8.6 56.0 0.0-0.0 - 3.7-6.3 59.6 13.4
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 10 - 2.4 5.0-16.7 30.0 0.0-1.7 0.0 0.0-1.7 0.0 10.0
33 Carter Glick FR G 1 - 9.0 8.9-13.3 66.7 8.9-8.9 100.0 0.0-0.0 - 26.7
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F 4 - 12.0 4.2-8.3 50.0 2.5-5.0 50.0 2.5-3.3 75.0 13.3
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
  Totals     33 33 201.5 27.7-60.3 45.9 8.1-22.1 36.5 11.3-17.2 65.8 74.8
  Opponent     33 33 201.5 21.1-59.2 35.6 7.5-24.1 31.0 11.6-15.8 73.3 61.2
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 31 26 31.5 0.3 3.3 3.6 2.2 0.0 6.6 2.4 2.8 1.9 0.5
01 Davis White FR G 32 12 21.4 0.9 4.2 5.0 3.2 0.1 1.8 1.8 1.0 1.2 0.6
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 32 24 25.1 1.6 4.5 6.1 2.0 0.0 3.2 3.0 1.1 2.0 0.1
03 James Freeman FR F 17 1 8.5 5.3 8.1 13.3 4.4 0.0 1.9 3.6 0.5 1.9 3.3
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 24 3 10.3 2.6 4.2 6.8 2.1 0.0 7.8 1.9 4.0 2.8 0.0
05 Kion Hayes FR G 25 2 10.0 1.6 6.9 8.5 1.4 0.0 3.2 3.2 1.0 1.3 0.2
10 Jose Cuello SO G 32 31 32.4 0.9 5.9 6.8 2.4 0.0 4.0 3.5 1.1 2.0 0.3
11 Jaden Haire FR F 33 29 29.8 4.9 6.1 10.9 2.6 0.0 1.6 2.4 0.7 0.7 0.6
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 16 1 6.1 2.9 7.8 10.6 4.5 0.0 3.7 4.1 0.9 0.8 2.4
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 33 13 19.8 4.4 7.7 12.0 4.7 0.2 2.3 2.8 0.8 0.8 3.9
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 29 23 23.9 5.9 9.7 15.6 5.2 0.5 3.4 4.4 0.8 1.3 3.5
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 10 - 2.4 1.7 3.3 5.0 6.7 0.0 1.7 8.3 0.2 0.0 1.7
33 Carter Glick FR G 1 - 9.0 4.4 4.4 8.9 8.9 0.0 0.0 8.9 0.0 4.4 0.0
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F 4 - 12.0 0.8 4.2 5.0 4.2 0.0 1.7 0.8 2.0 3.3 0.8
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Totals     33 33 201.5 13.7 30.5 44.3 15.2 0.4 17.5 14.9 1.2 7.6 5.8
  Opponent     33 33 201.5 9.4 21.3 30.7 12.6 0.3 11.8 12.8 0.9 6.6 1.8
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 14 11 29.7 2.7-6.9 39.2 1.9-5.3 35.1 1.5-2.1 72.4 8.8
01 Davis White FR G 14 4 19.8 1.5-4.9 30.9 0.9-3.9 23.6 0.3-0.4 80.0 4.2
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 13 9 22.8 4.1-9.6 42.4 2.2-5.4 41.4 0.4-0.7 55.6 10.8
03 James Freeman FR F 5 - 7.2 0.6-1.2 50.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 1.2
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 11 3 12.6 1.3-2.5 51.9 0.3-0.9 30.0 0.4-0.5 80.0 3.2
05 Kion Hayes FR G 12 1 10.9 1.0-3.6 27.9 0.6-1.7 35.0 0.6-0.8 77.8 3.2
10 Jose Cuello SO G 14 13 31.3 7.4-16.6 44.4 2.9-6.9 42.3 4.1-4.9 83.8 21.7
11 Jaden Haire FR F 14 12 32.5 5.4-9.6 56.0 0.4-1.1 31.3 2.1-3.6 60.0 13.2
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 8 1 5.9 0.6-1.0 62.5 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.1-0.5 25.0 1.4
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 14 3 14.3 2.1-3.6 56.9 0.0-0.0 - 0.9-1.7 50.0 5.0
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 14 13 27.1 2.5-4.9 50.7 0.0-0.0 - 2.4-4.2 57.6 7.4
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 5 - 2.0 0.0-0.6 0.0 0.0-0.2 0.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
33 Carter Glick FR G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
  Totals     14 14 201.8 27.7-61.6 45.0 8.9-24.6 36.0 12.5-18.7 66.8 76.8
  Opponent     14 14 201.8 21.8-60.4 36.1 6.7-21.8 30.8 10.6-14.3 74.0 60.9
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 14 11 29.7 0.0 2.4 2.4 1.5 - 4.8 1.8 2.7 1.3 0.6
01 Davis White FR G 14 4 19.8 0.3 2.1 2.4 1.3 - 0.9 0.7 1.2 0.9 0.3
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 13 9 22.8 0.8 2.6 3.5 1.2 - 1.8 1.6 1.1 1.2 0.2
03 James Freeman FR F 5 - 7.2 0.6 1.0 1.6 0.6 - 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.8
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 11 3 12.6 1.0 0.9 1.9 0.4 - 2.4 0.6 3.7 1.3 0.0
05 Kion Hayes FR G 12 1 10.9 0.6 1.8 2.4 0.5 - 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.0
10 Jose Cuello SO G 14 13 31.3 0.7 4.2 4.9 1.8 - 3.4 2.4 1.4 2.1 0.2
11 Jaden Haire FR F 14 12 32.5 4.1 5.1 9.2 1.9 - 1.2 1.5 0.8 0.6 0.6
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 8 1 5.9 0.5 1.3 1.8 0.9 - 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.0 0.4
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 14 3 14.3 2.1 2.0 4.1 1.9 0.1 0.4 1.4 0.3 0.6 1.4
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 14 13 27.1 3.7 7.2 10.9 2.6 0.1 2.6 2.9 0.9 1.0 3.1
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 5 - 2.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 - 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.2
33 Carter Glick FR G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Totals     14 14 201.8 14.4 30.0 44.4 13.6 0.2 17.5 14.5 1.2 9.0 6.9
  Opponent     14 14 201.8 10.5 21.8 32.3 12.7 0.4 11.3 14.1 0.8 6.5 1.7
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 14 11 416 38-97 39.2 26-74 35.1 21-29 72.4 123
01 Davis White FR G 14 4 277 21-68 30.9 13-55 23.6 4-5 80.0 59
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 13 9 296 53-125 42.4 29-70 41.4 5-9 55.6 140
03 James Freeman FR F 5 - 36 3-6 50.0 0-0 - 0-0 - 6
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 11 3 139 14-27 51.9 3-10 30.0 4-5 80.0 35
05 Kion Hayes FR G 12 1 131 12-43 27.9 7-20 35.0 7-9 77.8 38
10 Jose Cuello SO G 14 13 438 103-232 44.4 41-97 42.3 57-68 83.8 304
11 Jaden Haire FR F 14 12 455 75-134 56.0 5-16 31.3 30-50 60.0 185
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 8 1 47 5-8 62.5 0-1 0.0 1-4 25.0 11
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 14 3 200 29-51 56.9 0-0 - 12-24 50.0 70
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 14 13 380 35-69 50.7 0-0 - 34-59 57.6 104
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 5 - 10 0-3 0.0 0-1 0.0 0-0 - 0
33 Carter Glick FR G - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
  Totals     14 14 2825 388-863 45.0 124-344 36.0 175-262 66.8 1075
  Opponent     14 14 2825 305-845 36.1 94-305 30.8 148-200 74.0 852
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 14 11 416 0 33 33 21 - 67 25 2.7 18 9
01 Davis White FR G 14 4 277 4 29 33 18 - 12 10 1.2 12 4
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 13 9 296 11 34 45 15 - 23 21 1.1 16 2
03 James Freeman FR F 5 - 36 3 5 8 3 - 2 4 0.5 1 4
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 11 3 139 11 10 21 4 - 26 7 3.7 14 0
05 Kion Hayes FR G 12 1 131 7 22 29 6 - 5 10 0.5 6 0
10 Jose Cuello SO G 14 13 438 10 59 69 25 - 47 33 1.4 29 3
11 Jaden Haire FR F 14 12 455 58 71 129 26 - 17 21 0.8 8 8
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 8 1 47 4 10 14 7 - 3 4 0.8 0 3
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 14 3 200 29 28 57 26 1 6 19 0.3 8 19
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 14 13 380 52 101 153 36 2 37 41 0.9 14 43
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 5 - 10 1 0 1 2 - 0 3 0.0 0 1
33 Carter Glick FR G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Totals     14 14 2825 201 420 621 190 3 245 203 1.2 126 96
  Opponent     14 14 2825 147 305 452 178 5 158 197 0.8 91 24
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 14 11 29.7 3.7-9.3 39.2 2.5-7.1 35.1 2.0-2.8 72.4 11.8
01 Davis White FR G 14 4 19.8 3.0-9.8 30.9 1.9-7.9 23.6 0.6-0.7 80.0 8.5
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 13 9 22.8 7.2-16.9 42.4 3.9-9.5 41.4 0.7-1.2 55.6 18.9
03 James Freeman FR F 5 - 7.2 3.3-6.7 50.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 6.7
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 11 3 12.6 4.0-7.8 51.9 0.9-2.9 30.0 1.2-1.4 80.0 10.1
05 Kion Hayes FR G 12 1 10.9 3.7-13.1 27.9 2.1-6.1 35.0 2.1-2.7 77.8 11.6
10 Jose Cuello SO G 14 13 31.3 9.4-21.2 44.4 3.7-8.9 42.3 5.2-6.2 83.8 27.8
11 Jaden Haire FR F 14 12 32.5 6.6-11.8 56.0 0.4-1.4 31.3 2.6-4.4 60.0 16.3
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 8 1 5.9 4.3-6.8 62.5 0.0-0.9 0.0 0.9-3.4 25.0 9.4
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 14 3 14.3 5.8-10.2 56.9 0.0-0.0 - 2.4-4.8 50.0 14.0
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 14 13 27.1 3.7-7.3 50.7 0.0-0.0 - 3.6-6.2 57.6 10.9
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 5 - 2.0 0.0-12.0 0.0 0.0-4.0 0.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
33 Carter Glick FR G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
  Totals     14 14 201.8 27.5-61.1 45.0 8.8-24.4 36.0 12.4-18.5 66.8 76.1
  Opponent     14 14 201.8 21.6-59.8 36.1 6.7-21.6 30.8 10.5-14.2 74.0 60.3
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
00 Alex Argandar SO G 14 11 29.7 0.0 3.2 3.2 2.0 0.0 6.4 2.4 2.7 1.7 0.9
01 Davis White FR G 14 4 19.8 0.6 4.2 4.8 2.6 0.0 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.7 0.6
02 Omari Nesbit SO G 13 9 22.8 1.5 4.6 6.1 2.0 0.0 3.1 2.8 1.1 2.2 0.3
03 James Freeman FR F 5 - 7.2 3.3 5.6 8.9 3.3 0.0 2.2 4.4 0.5 1.1 4.4
04 Mikey Ficher FR G 11 3 12.6 3.2 2.9 6.0 1.2 0.0 7.5 2.0 3.7 4.0 0.0
05 Kion Hayes FR G 12 1 10.9 2.1 6.7 8.9 1.8 0.0 1.5 3.1 0.5 1.8 0.0
10 Jose Cuello SO G 14 13 31.3 0.9 5.4 6.3 2.3 0.0 4.3 3.0 1.4 2.6 0.3
11 Jaden Haire FR F 14 12 32.5 5.1 6.2 11.3 2.3 0.0 1.5 1.8 0.8 0.7 0.7
15 Samuel Bazunga SO F 8 1 5.9 3.4 8.5 11.9 6.0 0.0 2.6 3.4 0.8 0.0 2.6
22 Cameron Clark SO F/C 14 3 14.3 5.8 5.6 11.4 5.2 0.2 1.2 3.8 0.3 1.6 3.8
23 Jaylon Lee SO F/C 14 13 27.1 5.5 10.6 16.1 3.8 0.2 3.9 4.3 0.9 1.5 4.5
25 Nati Asfaw FR F 5 - 2.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 4.0
33 Carter Glick FR G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
35 Lazamion McGruder SO G/F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Kareem Barnett SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS Tyree Gill SO G - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Totals     14 14 201.8 14.2 29.7 44.0 13.5 0.2 17.3 14.4 1.2 8.9 6.8
  Opponent     14 14 201.8 10.4 21.6 32.0 12.6 0.4 11.2 13.9 0.8 6.4 1.7
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts
Sep 16 # vs. West LA   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 20 # Cerro Coso   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nov 10 vs. Allan Hancock W, 78-73 26-55 47.3 8-20 40.0 18-25 72.0 14 26 40 16 17 10 5 20 78
Nov 11 at Cuesta W, 74-45 32-57 56.1 5-18 27.8 5-9 55.6 10 34 44 23 17 9 5 9 74
Nov 16 Contra Costa W, 83-72 29-58 50.0 7-18 38.9 18-30 60.0 14 32 46 15 19 7 4 23 83
Nov 17 San Francisco L, 84-71 27-68 39.7 10-30 33.3 7-12 58.3 14 26 40 18 16 4 5 24 71
Nov 22 at San Jose W, 69-54 26-48 54.2 9-17 52.9 8-13 61.5 13 27 40 22 20 5 1 15 69
Dec 1 at San Francisco L, 59-56 21-48 43.8 3-19 15.8 11-20 55.0 10 30 40 15 13 4 4 21 56
Dec 2 at San Joaquin Delta W, 77-72 31-64 48.4 6-17 35.3 9-19 47.4 14 39 53 19 21 4 1 16 77
Dec 5 Palo Verde W, 100-44 39-68 57.4 14-24 58.3 8-14 57.1 15 40 55 24 15 11 7 15 100
Dec 8 Antelope Valley W, 75-72 27-62 43.5 8-23 34.8 13-17 76.5 13 44 57 18 24 5 14 14 75
Dec 9 Butte W, 68-66 24-68 35.3 9-30 30.0 11-15 73.3 17 30 47 18 10 6 2 15 68
Dec 14 Cerritos W, 71-68 27-57 47.4 7-15 46.7 10-16 62.5 11 29 40 20 13 3 6 15 71
Dec 20 Gavilan W, 75-61 30-59 50.8 8-20 40.0 7-13 53.8 14 31 45 25 19 10 6 9 75
Dec 30 at Diablo Valley W, 75-70 27-65 41.5 10-26 38.5 11-13 84.6 19 36 55 16 16 4 10 16 75
Jan 4 Hartnell W, 97-40 40-70 57.1 8-22 36.4 9-19 47.4 23 29 52 24 8 8 3 12 97
Jan 10 at Columbia L, 83-80 33-68 48.5 7-22 31.8 7-13 53.8 14 33 47 21 19 4 7 19 80
Jan 13 at Merced L, 69-67 25-60 41.7 6-21 28.6 11-21 52.4 14 36 50 14 19 7 4 18 67
Jan 17 Lemoore W, 76-65 25-61 41.0 9-21 42.9 17-28 60.7 12 23 35 15 12 14 10 14 76
Jan 20 at Porterville W, 72-48 27-50 54.0 9-21 42.9 9-14 64.3 9 24 33 21 14 12 5 7 72
Jan 24 at Coalinga W, 102-69 38-76 50.0 16-35 45.7 10-20 50.0 23 23 46 27 9 12 8 14 102
Jan 27 Fresno City W, 79-62 27-65 41.5 8-28 28.6 17-26 65.4 17 35 52 18 15 9 5 15 79
Jan 31 Reedley L, 64-63 22-54 40.7 6-21 28.6 13-18 72.2 12 23 35 16 19 13 7 3 63
Feb 3 Columbia W, 75-62 26-57 45.6 9-25 36.0 14-21 66.7 15 27 42 16 13 9 5 17 75
Feb 7 Merced W, 66-57 24-70 34.3 6-28 21.4 12-16 75.0 25 34 59 14 21 9 9 15 66
Feb 10 at Lemoore W, 87-71 28-63 44.4 10-23 43.5 21-28 75.0 13 35 48 16 15 7 11 18 87
Feb 14 Porterville W, 72-53 26-58 44.8 10-31 32.3 10-13 76.9 7 27 34 17 6 8 2 8 72
Feb 17 Coalinga W, 100-48 37-72 51.4 12-31 38.7 14-19 73.7 13 34 47 26 10 16 5 14 100
Feb 21 at Fresno City W, 54-43 17-50 34.0 7-19 36.8 13-16 81.3 13 33 46 7 16 2 9 16 54
Feb 23 at Reedley W, 82-58 33-59 55.9 9-18 50.0 7-9 77.8 14 33 47 17 15 4 9 12 82
Mar 2 Santa Rosa W, 77-56 27-63 42.9 9-23 39.1 14-14 100.0 11 33 44 17 8 7 4 16 77
Mar 9 Redwoods W, 70-55 28-58 48.3 3-12 25.0 11-15 73.3 10 30 40 18 11 7 5 16 70
Mar 15 vs. West LA W, 73-71 24-54 44.4 9-22 40.9 16-18 88.9 8 20 28 16 14 12 6 17 73
Mar 16 at Fullerton W, 71-60 28-67 41.8 4-15 26.7 11-21 52.4 18 36 54 11 16 4 4 23 71
Mar 17 at West Valley L, 59-51 19-51 37.3 8-21 38.1 5-8 62.5 8 22 30 3 14 6 4 18 51
  gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts off eff net eff
Total 33 920-2003 45.9 269-736 36.5 377-573 65.8 13.8 30.7 44.6 17.7 15.0 7.6 5.8 15.3 75.3 1.069 0.200
Conference 14 388-863 45.0 124-344 36.0 175-262 66.8 14.4 30.0 44.4 17.5 14.5 9.0 6.9 13.6 76.8 1.079 0.223
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 17 485-1068 45.4 143-402 35.6 205-306 67.0 14.3 31.0 45.3 18.8 14.1 8.6 5.8 14.4 77.5 1.083 0.234
Away 14 385-826 46.6 109-292 37.3 138-224 61.6 13.7 31.5 45.2 16.6 16.0 6.0 5.9 15.9 72.6 1.048 0.180
Neutral 2 50-109 45.9 17-42 40.5 34-43 79.1 11.0 23.0 34.0 16.0 15.5 11.0 5.5 18.5 75.5 1.082 0.050
Wins 27 773-1654 46.7 229-602 38.0 323-481 67.2 14.3 31.3 45.5 18.4 14.6 7.9 6.0 14.9 77.7 1.102 0.259
Losses 6 147-349 42.1 40-134 29.9 54-92 58.7 12.0 28.3 40.3 14.5 16.7 6.3 5.2 17.2 64.7 0.917 -0.063
November 5 140-286 49.0 39-103 37.9 56-89 62.9 13.0 29.0 42.0 18.8 17.8 7.0 4.0 18.2 75.0 1.058 0.103
December 8 226-491 46.0 65-174 37.4 80-127 63.0 14.1 34.9 49.0 19.4 16.4 5.9 6.3 15.1 74.6 1.043 0.187
January 8 237-504 47.0 69-191 36.1 93-159 58.5 15.5 28.3 43.8 19.5 14.4 9.9 6.1 12.8 79.5 1.107 0.228
February 7 191-429 44.5 63-175 36.0 91-122 74.6 14.3 31.9 46.1 16.1 13.7 7.9 7.1 14.3 76.6 1.103 0.305
March 5 126-293 43.0 33-93 35.5 57-76 75.0 11.0 28.2 39.2 13.0 12.6 7.2 4.6 18.0 68.4 1.009 0.124
Date Opponent Score Attend
Sep 16 vs. West LA   -
Oct 20 Cerro Coso   -
Nov 10 vs. Allan Hancock W, 78-73 0
Nov 11 at Cuesta W, 74-45 0
Nov 16 Contra Costa W, 83-72 200
Nov 17 San Francisco L, 84-71 200
Nov 22 at San Jose W, 69-54 0
Dec 1 at San Francisco L, 59-56 0
Dec 2 at San Joaquin Delta W, 77-72 0
Dec 5 Palo Verde W, 100-44 200
Dec 8 Antelope Valley W, 75-72 200
Dec 9 Butte W, 68-66 200
Dec 14 Cerritos W, 71-68 200
Dec 20 Gavilan W, 75-61 200
Dec 30 at Diablo Valley W, 75-70 0
Jan 4 Hartnell W, 97-40 500
Jan 10 at Columbia L, 83-80 0
Jan 13 at Merced L, 69-67 50
Jan 17 Lemoore W, 76-65 200
Jan 20 at Porterville W, 72-48 50
Jan 24 at Coalinga W, 102-69 0
Jan 27 Fresno City W, 79-62 200
Jan 31 Reedley L, 64-63 200
Feb 3 Columbia W, 75-62 200
Feb 7 Merced W, 66-57 200
Feb 10 at Lemoore W, 87-71 50
Feb 14 Porterville W, 72-53 200
Feb 17 Coalinga W, 100-48 200
Feb 21 at Fresno City W, 54-43 50
Feb 23 at Reedley W, 82-58 50
Mar 2 Santa Rosa W, 77-56 1,200
Mar 9 Redwoods W, 70-55 1,200
Mar 15 vs. West LA W, 73-71 150
Mar 16 at Fullerton W, 71-60 150
Mar 17 at West Valley L, 59-51 0