2024-25 Basketball Statistics - Coalinga

Games 28
Pts per game 63.5
FG % 39.8
3PT % 33.4
FT % 67.4
Reb per game 32.7
Ast per game 14.5
Schedule Summary
Overall (Pct.)1-27 (.036)
Conference (Pct.) 0-14 (.000)
StreakLost 22
Full Scores and Schedule ยป
Recent Games
Feb 5 at Fresno City L, 140-69
Feb 8 Porterville L, 71-65
Feb 12 at Merced L, 108-59
Feb 15 at Reedley L, 85-58
Feb 19 Columbia L, 91-66
Feb 21 Lemoore L, 83-72
Statistics category Overall Conf
Games 28 4th 14 1st
Points 1779 7th 838 8th
Points per game 63.5 7th 59.9 8th
FG made per game 23.4 7th 21.6 7th
FG attempts per game 58.8 5th 57.9 6th
FG Pct 39.8 8th 37.4 8th
3PT made per game 5.8 7th 6.3 4th
3PT attempts per game 17.3 7th 18.0 6th
3PT Pct 33.4 3rd 34.9 2nd
FT made per game 10.3 7th 8.7 7th
FT attempt per game 15.2 7th 13.5 7th
FT Pct 67.4 3rd 64.6 6th
Off rebounds per game 10.3 5th 9.0 6th
Def rebounds per game 22.4 6th 21.6 6th
Total rebounds per game 32.7 6th 30.6 6th
Opponents' Off rebounds per game 12.3 8th 12.9 7th
Opponents' Def rebounds per game 24.3 6th 24.9 7th
Opponents' Total rebounds per game 36.5 6th 37.9 7th
Rebound margin per game -3.9 6th -7.3 6th
Assists per game 14.5 6th 14.9 6th
Opponents' Assists per game 20.5 8th 23.6 8th
Turnovers per game 18.8 8th 18.9 8th
Opponents' Turnovers per game 13.9 5th 10.9 8th
Steals per game 6.2 6th 5.0 7th
Opponents' Steals per game 10.8 8th 11.7 8th
Blocks per game 1.4 8th 1.7 6th
Opponents' Blocks per game 4.4 8th 5.0 8th
Personal fouls per game 17.3 8th 17.0 8th
Offensive efficiency 0.849 8th 0.803 8th
Net efficiency -0.302 8th -0.463 8th
Opponents' Personal fouls per game 12.3 3rd 9.1 6th
Offensive efficiency 1.151 1st 1.266 1st
Points per game allowed 86.2 8th 94.4 8th
Opponents' Field goal percentage 49.4 8th 51.9 8th
Opponents' Free throw total-attempts 33.7 7th 34.9 6th
Home Attendance 0 2nd 0 2nd
Home Attendance average 0 2nd 0 2nd
Field goal total-attempts 654-1645 7th 303-810 7th
3 point total-attempts 162-485 7th 88-252 4th
Free throw total-attempts 287-426 7th 122-189 7th
Opponents' Field goal total-attempts 862-1745 8th 470-905 8th
Opponents' 3 point total-attempts 227-673 8th 114-327 8th
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 12 10 26.4 4.1-11.0 37.1 0.2-1.6 15.8 1.4-2.5 56.7 9.8
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 11 9 28.5 4.7-11.2 42.3 0.5-2.4 23.1 4.3-5.4 79.7 14.3
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 26 17 20.8 2.0-5.7 36.1 0.4-1.5 25.0 0.6-1.0 60.0 5.0
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 27 23 26.3 4.1-9.8 41.9 2.0-5.3 38.5 1.2-1.7 71.7 11.5
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 25 13 22.3 2.6-7.8 33.0 1.7-4.3 40.2 1.0-1.2 82.8 7.8
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 10 - 7.2 0.6-1.6 37.5 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.5-0.8 62.5 1.7
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 21 - 13.7 1.4-4.2 33.0 0.8-2.2 34.8 0.2-0.3 83.3 3.8
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 19 - 19.3 1.6-5.1 32.0 0.6-2.3 25.0 0.8-1.1 76.2 4.7
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 24 16 19.8 1.3-4.3 31.1 0.4-1.6 26.3 0.8-1.4 58.8 3.9
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 14 8 17.0 1.2-3.4 35.4 0.0-0.0 - 0.9-1.5 57.1 3.3
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 20 3 17.1 1.1-2.6 44.2 0.0-0.0 - 0.5-0.8 66.7 2.8
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 15 - 8.5 0.4-1.1 37.5 0.1-0.1 50.0 0.3-0.5 50.0 1.1
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 24 21 24.1 3.3-6.3 53.0 0.0-0.0 0.0 1.2-1.7 70.7 7.9
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 20 2 12.2 1.1-1.8 58.3 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.1-0.5 10.0 2.1
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 21.1 4.9-10.4 47.4 0.0-0.0 - 2.8-4.5 62.0 12.6
  Totals     28 28 199.3 23.4-58.8 39.8 5.8-17.3 33.4 10.2-15.2 67.4 63.5
  Opponent     28 28 199.3 30.8-62.3 49.4 8.1-24.0 33.7 14.8-21.9 67.5 86.2
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 12 10 26.4 1.4 3.9 5.3 2.5 0.2 2.9 1.8 1.6 1.2 0.1
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 11 9 28.5 0.7 3.6 4.4 1.5 0.1 4.1 4.8 0.8 2.5 0.0
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 26 17 20.8 1.2 3.0 4.2 1.3 - 1.7 2.4 0.7 0.9 0.2
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 27 23 26.3 0.9 3.2 4.1 1.6 - 1.6 1.6 1.0 0.7 0.0
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 25 13 22.3 0.6 2.0 2.6 2.2 0.1 1.4 2.0 0.7 0.4 0.1
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 10 - 7.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.7 - 0.9 0.7 1.3 0.4 0.0
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 21 - 13.7 0.3 1.3 1.6 1.4 - 1.4 1.9 0.8 0.4 0.0
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 19 - 19.3 0.5 1.5 2.1 1.1 - 1.9 1.6 1.2 0.5 0.1
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 24 16 19.8 0.4 1.0 1.4 2.4 0.2 2.1 3.0 0.7 0.5 0.0
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 14 8 17.0 1.8 1.8 3.6 1.9 0.2 0.5 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.4
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 20 3 17.1 1.7 2.3 4.0 1.3 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.3
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 15 - 8.5 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.9 - 0.5 1.4 0.4 0.1 0.0
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 24 21 24.1 1.5 2.9 4.4 3.2 0.2 0.9 1.5 0.6 0.7 0.3
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 20 2 12.2 0.8 1.2 2.0 0.9 - 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.1
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 21.1 2.0 3.5 5.5 2.0 - 1.5 1.6 0.9 0.5 0.3
  Totals     28 28 199.3 10.3 22.4 32.7 17.3 0.6 14.5 18.8 0.8 6.2 1.4
  Opponent     28 28 199.3 12.3 24.3 36.5 12.3 0.1 20.5 13.9 1.5 10.8 4.4
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 12 10 317 49-132 37.1 3-19 15.8 17-30 56.7 118
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 11 9 314 52-123 42.3 6-26 23.1 47-59 79.7 157
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 26 17 541 53-147 36.1 10-40 25.0 15-25 60.0 131
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 27 23 709 111-265 41.9 55-143 38.5 33-46 71.7 310
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 25 13 558 64-194 33.0 43-107 40.2 24-29 82.8 195
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 10 - 72 6-16 37.5 0-1 0.0 5-8 62.5 17
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 21 - 287 29-88 33.0 16-46 34.8 5-6 83.3 79
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 19 - 366 31-97 32.0 11-44 25.0 16-21 76.2 89
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 24 16 475 32-103 31.1 10-38 26.3 20-34 58.8 94
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 14 8 238 17-48 35.4 0-0 - 12-21 57.1 46
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 20 3 343 23-52 44.2 0-0 - 10-15 66.7 56
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 15 - 127 6-16 37.5 1-2 50.0 4-8 50.0 17
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 24 21 578 80-151 53.0 0-1 0.0 29-41 70.7 189
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 20 2 243 21-36 58.3 0-1 0.0 1-10 10.0 43
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 232 54-114 47.4 0-0 - 31-50 62.0 139
  Totals     28 28 5581 654-1645 39.8 162-485 33.4 287-426 67.4 1779
  Opponent     28 28 5581 862-1745 49.4 227-673 33.7 414-613 67.5 2414
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 12 10 317 17 47 64 30 2 35 22 1.6 14 1
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 11 9 314 8 40 48 16 1 45 53 0.8 28 0
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 26 17 541 32 78 110 33 - 43 62 0.7 23 6
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 27 23 709 24 86 110 42 - 43 44 1.0 19 1
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 25 13 558 16 50 66 55 2 36 49 0.7 11 3
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 10 - 72 3 5 8 7 - 9 7 1.3 4 0
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 21 - 287 6 28 34 30 - 30 39 0.8 9 0
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 19 - 366 10 29 39 21 - 36 31 1.2 9 2
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 24 16 475 10 23 33 57 4 50 72 0.7 13 0
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 14 8 238 25 25 50 27 3 7 15 0.5 4 5
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 20 3 343 34 46 80 26 1 4 13 0.3 3 6
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 15 - 127 4 8 12 14 - 8 21 0.4 2 0
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 24 21 578 37 69 106 77 5 21 37 0.6 16 7
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 20 2 243 17 24 41 18 - 10 14 0.7 8 3
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 232 22 38 60 22 - 16 18 0.9 5 3
  Totals     28 28 5581 288 627 915 485 18 407 525 0.8 174 38
  Opponent     28 28 5581 343 680 1023 345 3 575 388 1.5 302 123
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 1 - 1.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 1 - 1.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 13 12 24.1 2.2-7.0 31.9 0.6-2.0 30.8 0.8-1.4 61.1 5.9
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 14 13 26.4 4.4-10.7 40.7 2.1-5.7 37.5 1.2-1.6 77.3 12.1
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 14 9 24.9 2.9-8.9 32.3 2.0-4.3 46.7 1.1-1.5 76.2 8.9
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 8 - 8.1 0.8-1.6 46.2 0.0-0.0 - 0.6-0.8 83.3 2.1
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 13 - 17.3 1.6-5.2 31.3 1.0-2.8 36.1 0.3-0.4 80.0 4.5
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 12 - 20.3 1.2-5.3 23.4 0.4-2.1 20.0 0.9-1.2 73.3 3.8
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 13 12 21.2 1.2-4.8 24.2 0.2-1.7 13.6 0.9-1.8 52.2 3.5
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 1 - 1.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 8 3 17.6 1.0-2.4 42.1 0.0-0.0 - 0.8-0.8 100.0 2.8
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 9 - 8.1 0.7-1.6 42.9 0.1-0.2 50.0 0.0-0.1 0.0 1.4
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 11 8 24.2 3.1-5.9 52.3 0.0-0.0 - 0.5-1.2 46.2 6.7
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 11 - 13.9 1.2-1.8 65.0 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.0-0.5 0.0 2.4
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 21.1 4.9-10.4 47.4 0.0-0.0 - 2.8-4.5 62.0 12.6
  Totals     14 14 194.7 21.6-57.9 37.4 6.3-18.0 34.9 8.7-13.5 64.6 59.9
  Opponent     14 14 194.7 33.6-64.6 51.9 8.1-23.4 34.9 15.6-23.8 65.5 94.4
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 1 - 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 1 - 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 13 12 24.1 1.6 4.2 5.8 1.5 - 2.1 2.8 0.7 1.3 0.5
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 14 13 26.4 0.7 3.0 3.7 1.4 - 2.0 1.7 1.2 0.6 0.0
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 14 9 24.9 0.7 2.8 3.5 2.3 - 2.1 2.4 0.9 0.4 0.2
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 8 - 8.1 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.9 - 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.0
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 13 - 17.3 0.5 1.7 2.2 1.5 - 1.8 2.5 0.7 0.4 0.0
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 12 - 20.3 0.7 1.9 2.6 1.0 - 1.5 2.0 0.8 0.6 0.2
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 13 12 21.2 0.5 1.2 1.7 2.7 0.3 2.6 3.1 0.8 0.5 0.0
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 1 - 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 8 3 17.6 1.1 1.9 3.0 1.5 - 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.1 0.5
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 9 - 8.1 0.2 0.7 0.9 1.0 - 0.2 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 11 8 24.2 1.0 2.1 3.1 3.5 0.3 1.2 1.6 0.7 0.5 0.4
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 11 - 13.9 1.0 1.5 2.5 1.2 - 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.2
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 21.1 2.0 3.5 5.5 2.0 - 1.5 1.6 0.9 0.5 0.3
  Totals     14 14 194.7 9.0 21.6 30.6 17.0 0.5 14.9 18.9 0.8 5.0 1.7
  Opponent     14 14 194.7 12.9 24.9 37.9 9.1 0.1 23.6 10.9 2.2 11.7 5.0
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 1 - 1 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 1 - 1 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 13 12 313 29-91 31.9 8-26 30.8 11-18 61.1 77
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 14 13 370 61-150 40.7 30-80 37.5 17-22 77.3 169
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 14 9 349 40-124 32.3 28-60 46.7 16-21 76.2 124
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 8 - 65 6-13 46.2 0-0 - 5-6 83.3 17
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 13 - 225 21-67 31.3 13-36 36.1 4-5 80.0 59
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 12 - 243 15-64 23.4 5-25 20.0 11-15 73.3 46
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 13 12 275 15-62 24.2 3-22 13.6 12-23 52.2 45
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 1 - 1 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 8 3 141 8-19 42.1 0-0 - 6-6 100.0 22
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 9 - 73 6-14 42.9 1-2 50.0 0-1 0.0 13
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 11 8 266 34-65 52.3 0-0 - 6-13 46.2 74
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 11 - 153 13-20 65.0 0-1 0.0 0-5 0.0 26
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 232 54-114 47.4 0-0 - 31-50 62.0 139
  Totals     14 14 2726 303-810 37.4 88-252 34.9 122-189 64.6 838
  Opponent     14 14 2726 470-905 51.9 114-327 34.9 218-333 65.5 1321
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
0 Corian Taylor Fr. G 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0
1 Jarmarian Harper Fr. G 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0
2 Josiah Perez-Little Fr. G/F 13 12 313 21 54 75 19 - 27 37 0.7 17 6
3 Donovan Johnson So. G 14 13 370 10 42 52 20 - 28 24 1.2 9 0
4 Deandre Johnson So. G 14 9 349 10 39 49 32 - 29 34 0.9 6 3
10 Ramon Varges Fr. G 8 - 65 2 5 7 7 - 5 7 0.7 2 0
11 Benjamin Teasley Fr. G 13 - 225 6 22 28 19 - 24 33 0.7 5 0
12 Daniel Rodriguez Fr. G 12 - 243 8 23 31 12 - 18 24 0.8 7 2
14 Donnell Hoffman Fr. G 13 12 275 7 15 22 35 4 34 40 0.8 7 0
20 Timothy Flemming Fr. F 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0
21 Serious Sykes Fr. F 8 3 141 9 15 24 12 - 4 5 0.8 1 4
22 Kevin Richmond Fr. G 9 - 73 2 6 8 9 - 2 12 0.2 1 0
23 Isaiah Harper So. F 11 8 266 11 23 34 38 3 13 18 0.7 5 4
24 Uzoma Ojukwu Fr. F 11 - 153 11 16 27 13 - 8 8 1.0 5 2
32 Christian Turner Fr. F 11 7 232 22 38 60 22 - 16 18 0.9 5 3
  Totals     14 14 2726 126 302 428 238 7 209 265 0.8 70 24
  Opponent     14 14 2726 181 349 530 127 1 330 153 2.2 164 70
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts
Oct 16 # Blue & White   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nov 2 Hartnell L, 102-98 39-73 53.4 8-19 42.1 12-19 63.2 12 41 53 22 18 3 1 34 98
Nov 5 Cuesta L, 55-54 21-60 35.0 4-11 36.4 8-13 61.5 12 31 43 12 15 6 3 15 54
Nov 8 at Gavilan L, 74-70 23-46 50.0 7-19 36.8 17-24 70.8 7 23 30 17 12 3 0 16 70
Nov 15 at San Mateo L, 71-62 25-67 37.3 3-16 18.8 9-12 75.0 9 22 31 12 11 3 0 18 62
Nov 16 at Diablo Valley L, 82-72 25-56 44.6 7-17 41.2 15-19 78.9 9 15 24 13 18 6 1 10 72
Nov 19 Monterey Peninsula W, 70-68 31-55 56.4 4-14 28.6 4-6 66.7 10 27 37 19 17 6 2 16 70
Nov 26 at De Anza L, 81-47 17-57 29.8 5-25 20.0 8-13 61.5 13 19 32 19 20 5 0 10 47
Nov 30 vs. Folsom Lake L, 84-71 25-53 47.2 4-11 36.4 17-21 81.0 14 25 39 14 23 8 3 19 71
Dec 1 vs. Lassen L, 82-47 17-50 34.0 5-16 31.3 8-13 61.5 10 21 31 11 23 7 1 16 47
Dec 4 at Bakersfield L, 73-59 23-60 38.3 1-13 7.7 12-17 70.6 13 23 36 8 27 16 1 13 59
Dec 7 Allan Hancock L, 76-60 23-62 37.1 4-17 23.5 10-16 62.5 14 14 28 12 17 10 0 16 60
Dec 12 vs. Oxnard L, 88-80 32-62 51.6 6-15 40.0 10-12 83.3 10 15 25 14 19 14 0 18 80
Dec 13 vs. Desert L, 82-78 25-64 39.1 10-23 43.5 18-24 75.0 11 26 37 12 23 10 0 27 78
Dec 14 vs. Long Beach L, 75-73 25-70 35.7 6-17 35.3 17-28 60.7 18 23 41 13 17 7 2 19 73
Jan 8 Sequoias L, 127-45 18-61 29.5 4-13 30.8 5-13 38.5 12 18 30 11 24 4 2 10 45
Jan 11 Fresno City L, 91-77 31-67 46.3 8-25 32.0 7-15 46.7 11 32 43 23 18 5 0 16 77
Jan 15 at Porterville L, 74-53 17-50 34.0 4-14 28.6 15-19 78.9 11 22 33 10 12 1 2 25 53
Jan 18 Merced L, 80-77 29-60 48.3 7-17 41.2 12-17 70.6 8 26 34 17 15 9 1 18 77
Jan 22 Reedley L, 68-40 16-60 26.7 2-15 13.3 6-9 66.7 11 22 33 8 17 3 2 14 40
Jan 25 at Columbia L, 100-57 23-56 41.1 11-25 44.0 0-6 0.0 2 25 27 23 16 3 1 14 57
Jan 29 at Lemoore L, 93-49 18-56 32.1 3-16 18.8 10-23 43.5 10 18 28 8 18 5 2 14 49
Feb 1 at Sequoias L, 110-51 16-59 27.1 8-22 36.4 11-15 73.3 13 26 39 12 28 4 3 26 51
Feb 5 at Fresno City L, 140-69 16-48 33.3 7-15 46.7 8-11 72.7 12 16 28 12 23 1 1 21 69
Feb 8 Porterville L, 71-65 25-47 53.2 7-18 38.9 8-13 61.5 3 18 21 22 14 1 5 13 65
Feb 12 at Merced L, 108-59 24-69 34.8 6-17 35.3 5-6 83.3 11 26 37 13 27 10 2 12 59
Feb 15 at Reedley L, 85-58 20-56 35.7 7-20 35.0 11-18 61.1 9 16 25 13 20 7 1 12 58
Feb 19 Columbia L, 91-66 26-61 42.6 6-20 30.0 8-8 100.0 3 20 23 17 20 6 1 18 66
Feb 21 Lemoore L, 83-72 24-60 40.0 8-15 53.3 16-16 100.0 10 17 27 20 13 11 1 25 72
  gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts off eff net eff
Total 28 654-1645 39.8 162-485 33.4 287-426 67.4 10.3 22.4 32.7 14.5 18.8 6.2 1.4 17.3 63.5 0.849 -0.302
Conference 14 303-810 37.4 88-252 34.9 122-189 64.6 9.0 21.6 30.6 14.9 18.9 5.0 1.7 17.0 59.9 0.803 -0.463
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 11 283-666 42.5 62-184 33.7 96-145 66.2 9.6 24.2 33.8 16.6 17.1 5.8 1.6 17.7 65.8 0.882 -0.244
Away 12 247-680 36.3 69-219 31.5 121-183 66.1 9.9 20.9 30.8 13.3 19.3 5.3 1.2 15.9 58.8 0.798 -0.435
Neutral 5 124-299 41.5 31-82 37.8 70-98 71.4 12.6 22.0 34.6 12.8 21.0 9.2 1.2 19.8 69.8 0.895 -0.128
Wins 1 31-55 56.4 4-14 28.6 4-6 66.7 10.0 27.0 37.0 19.0 17.0 6.0 2.0 16.0 70.0 1.077 0.014
Losses 27 623-1590 39.2 158-471 33.5 283-420 67.4 10.3 22.2 32.5 14.4 18.8 6.2 1.3 17.4 63.3 0.842 -0.312
November 8 206-467 44.1 42-132 31.8 90-127 70.9 10.8 25.4 36.1 16.0 16.8 5.0 1.3 17.3 68.0 0.940 -0.119
December 6 145-368 39.4 32-101 31.7 75-110 68.2 12.7 20.3 33.0 11.7 21.0 10.7 0.7 18.2 66.2 0.839 -0.172
January 7 152-410 37.1 39-125 31.2 55-102 53.9 9.3 23.3 32.6 14.3 17.1 4.3 1.4 15.9 56.9 0.771 -0.432
February 7 151-400 37.8 49-127 38.6 67-87 77.0 8.7 19.9 28.6 15.6 20.7 5.7 2.0 18.1 62.9 0.834 -0.495
Date Opponent Score Attend
Oct 16 Blue & White   -
Nov 2 Hartnell L, 102-98 0
Nov 5 Cuesta L, 55-54 0
Nov 8 at Gavilan L, 74-70 0
Nov 15 at San Mateo L, 71-62 0
Nov 16 at Diablo Valley L, 82-72 0
Nov 19 Monterey Peninsula W, 70-68 0
Nov 26 at De Anza L, 81-47 0
Nov 30 vs. Folsom Lake L, 84-71 0
Dec 1 vs. Lassen L, 82-47 0
Dec 4 at Bakersfield L, 73-59 0
Dec 7 Allan Hancock L, 76-60 0
Dec 12 vs. Oxnard L, 88-80 26
Dec 13 vs. Desert L, 82-78 0
Dec 14 vs. Long Beach L, 75-73 10
Jan 8 Sequoias L, 127-45 0
Jan 11 Fresno City L, 91-77 0
Jan 15 at Porterville L, 74-53 0
Jan 18 Merced L, 80-77 0
Jan 22 Reedley L, 68-40 0
Jan 25 at Columbia L, 100-57 0
Jan 29 at Lemoore L, 93-49 0
Feb 1 at Sequoias L, 110-51 1,100
Feb 5 at Fresno City L, 140-69 0
Feb 8 Porterville L, 71-65 0
Feb 12 at Merced L, 108-59 0
Feb 15 at Reedley L, 85-58 0
Feb 19 Columbia L, 91-66 0
Feb 21 Lemoore L, 83-72 0